There is a lot to discover on this blog, and in the course of the year it's just going to increase, with articles, journal, songtexts, poems, stories, photos, videos, and all the other diverse information I encounter and wish to share. So this page is set out to give you a clear overview of all the different categories. There is a category-division in the right column of this blog, which serves you all the posts that have common tags - on the left are the main categories, listed as PAGES. Below is a short introduction to each of these pages. So let's explore.....

This is my main journal which covers my adventure on a daily basis - impressions, stories, people and places, experiences, and personal musings, This is really the "BLOG", my story as it unfolds. All posts are published in date order as is customary on blogs, and specific themes can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate tag in the "categories" box on the right.

This is a page dedicated to all the information about my first album - what it's about, the songs, purchase details and comments and reviews. I've made this album independently with a close friend and fellow musician, and it's only available via this blog (at least for the time being). To find out more, just click on the page link.

I am first and foremost a songwriter. I have an album of new songs to promote and share on this journey, but I'll also be writing ever more new songs on the way, inspired by the people and places I encounter. My intention is to record all my new songs on video - solo singing sessions filmed in various locations across Europe. These will be shared on my You Tube channel, and I will include the lyrics for all to read as well. But on this page, you can access all the lyrics to all my songs separately.

I publish my poems on the writer's platform HUBPAGES. This is a great community for all writers and publishing there gets my work out to a wide audience. I recommend it to everyone who writes, for whatever reason, so check it out. This page lists all the titles, which are links to the published poem on Hubpages.


Some stories I publish here, some on Hubpages - some are my own stories, some are by guest writers. The "stories" are different from "posts" in that they are just what they say... stories, with a begin, a middle, and an end. They are written to be told live in storytelling sessions. If there are videos of these sessions, they will be included too. Here the list of STORIES published to date, and appropriate links.

Of course no travel adventure would be complete without photo's... or even travel-sketches. I do both. Some of the images I make I'll post on the blog as illustrations for my posts, but I'll store most of them in albums on my facebook page. Special ones I'll share too on flickr - for everyone else to share freely as they wish. Click on the links to view my portfolios.

I'll be making a lot of videos. Videos of live performances, song videos and poetry videos, and even interviews and discussions with people I meet... but I'll also be keeping a VIDEO-DIARY to share my adventure, and the places I visit more personally, as a sort of ongoing travel-documentary. All these videos are hosted on my YouTube channel, which you can access HERE.

I don't have a fixed itinerary for my travels - I prefer to follow the flow of opportunity and my heart. But when there is clarity and plans, I'll post them here, and if you're in the region at the same time as me, come say hello.

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