
Europe Project

So the plan is this:

I finally make an album of all my old songs with my friend Geert. Geert is the keeper of my songs, he knows them better than I do - he's also the bass-player and producer. When the album is made, we hold a big concert for up to 200 people from our combined network, and use this to generate initial interest in the album, and initiate our first sales. That should start the ball rolling.

Next year I travel around Europe, in a camperbus, singing wherever people want to listen, promoting the album, selling CDs, hearing new stories, and writing new songs for the second album we'll make when I return.
I don't know yet how I'm going to finance the trip, but if I can generate 1000 or more CD sales in the course of the year, it'll finance the following album and "tour". And so on.

So I become a travelling minstrel, with the simple goal of singing and writing and selling the album. Along the way I'll keep a journal via this blog, and apply my various creative talents on the way for extra funds. I'll return with enough songs for album number two, and enough experiences to write up as a book.

And if that's not an enviable dream, I don't know what is.

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